Quality Management, Testmanagement, Testautomation, Continuous Integration and Delivery, Jenkins, Consulting, Training, Auditing
Comquent and RedHat Silver Sponsors at the VoxxedDays Conference 2016 in Thessaloniki | Comquent GmbH, Continuous Quality in Software

Comquent and RedHat Silver Sponsors at the VoxxedDays Conference 2016 in Thessaloniki

By Tuesday September 20th, 2016 No Comments
Quality Management, Testmanagement, Testautomation, Continuous Integration and Delivery, Jenkins, Consulting, Training, Auditing

Comquent and RedHat are Silver Sponsors at the VOXXED Days THESSALONIKI which will run on October 21st, 2016, in Thessaloniki Greece

This developer conference will bring together popular speakers from companies such as Amazon. RedHat, Signavio, Yammer etc., core developers of popular open source technologies, and professionals willing to share their knowledge and experiences.

This is a 2-day event, the first day consisting of workshops, the second day being the main event, offering 2 keynote sessions, 3 tracks on various topics and 17 international speakers.

Read more about the event here: https://voxxeddays.com/thessaloniki